Universities that reside in Fla are seeking ways to increase their enrollment rate as the state has seen a decline in numbers, most prominent after the Corona Virus Pandemic. This situation affects all students, though primarily those preparing to attend a college or university in Fla. It is common knowledge to many that fewer and fewer students want to pursue post-secondary education; however, it is less common for students to know all the possible financial support that can be received to make it more affordable and intriguing. The excessive costs associated with tuition, housing, and other expenses can discourage students from pursuing higher education, as prices vary, but the pricing remains expensive across most institutions. However, beyond financial concerns, many students are not motivated to continue their education, and it has been noticed that many are exploring other paths.
It is no surprise that once the price of living increased, then the societal norm of people attending college began to decrease. The rising cost of tuition is causing many students to explore alternatives, including attending trade schools, jumping straight into the workforce, or even enlisting in the United States military.
When talking to a success coach at Wharton High School and the question of how many students in the graduating class know are going to college, he stated “Approximately 100 students.”
To some this might be a lot, to others, it might not be many at all. Either way, it shows the conversation of post-secondary education is becoming more popular, especially among educators witnessing the shift in perspective firsthand. Every student who has attended a college or university at one point thought about the financial burden that comes with it. According to an article from Pew Research Center, “One-in-four U.S. adults under 40 have student loan debt”. There is a paradox that is becoming unveiled about living life, you ‘need’ to attend college, but you also ‘need’ to have financial stability. This dilemma causes college students to second guess if college is the best option for them. Emphasizing the importance of the financial opportunities that Fla colleges and universities are giving.
Many kids lack the motivation to attend college. A few believe that attending traditional school does not align with their future career paths and others just believe that college is just ‘not for them.’ The pressure to attend college is being replaced by a shift toward a more practical option. Additionally, with the rapid change in perspective and career paths, many students would rather take their future one step at a time. However, Fla schools are shedding more light on the issue, offering more financial support. The new proposition may be able to relieve a fraction of the burden that comes with attending college.
When the question of how do you feel about the requirements that are in place to be able to achieve the Bright Futures grant? “That the requirements are good. The community service hours are hard to get. However, I like how they also allowed volunteer hours, as some people have different activities going on, making achieving that difficult.” Astrid Bello, a junior, stated.
This further emphasizes the appreciation that the Bright Futures grant is getting from students. The increased financial support makes colleges more accessible and more intriguing. Although, it is ultimately up to the person if they want to higher their education, the push for a more affordable post-secondary education shows the shift of needs for students.
The growing financial concerns and shifting perspectives on higher education are influencing the choices made by students worldwide, but especially predominant in Fla. Though, Fla Institutions are responding by increasing the financial support options, allowing college to be more affordable and accessible to those seeking to extend their education. This hopefully will close the gap between students who want to heighten their education and those who simply want financial stability. As students continue to weigh their options, this new approach will allow them to make a more deliberate decision.