There are two ways to add a photo to a story in WordPress. One is to set the photo as a Featured Image for the story, and the other is to insert the photo into the body of the story’s text. Your SNO site is designed to make use of the Featured Image method. Photos inserted directly into the body...
Your header graphic should have your logo, organization name, tagline, and any other essential information about your program. You can determine what your graphic should be sized to by clicking the gear/settings icon on the left side of the Site Header-...
Slideshows are built by uploading multiple photos to a story. Follow the steps below to make a slideshow that goes with any story. When adding/editing...
Slideshows are built by uploading multiple photos to a story. Follow the steps below to make a slideshow that goes with any story. When adding/editing...
Stories don't have to be for just the written word any more. Using SNO Story Elements you can add embeddable objects, pull quotes, related...