So, pep rallies.
Typically held by school organizations to raise student and athlete morale. Some love them, some despise the mere mention of them. Honestly, for me, I like them. And hey- who doesn’t like organized fun?
However, throughout my years in high school I’ve heard many of my peers’ gripes with pep rallies, saying that they’re boring, time-consuming, and useless. For me though, I’ve grown to like them. I enjoyed hearing that the day was short because of a pep rallies, and I loved seeing my friends in band, cheer, and dance show off their talents and routine. But this isn’t to say that things can’t be improved. One of the few things that I like the most about pep rallies is that other students- who aren’t in sports or SGA- get to participate as well, and it makes events like these ten times funnier when you see your friend get absolutely demolished in dodgeball.
For one, I feel like pep rallies can be overwhelming. We have only an hour, and the gym is packed with kids, and there are still people entering the gym, looking for a place to sit. For many, including myself, they say it’s over stimulating due to the noise, smell, and density. I wish we had extra time to get situated so that we could move on with the show. Then there is the repetitiveness that comes with every pep rally. We see the same thing over and over; The cheerleaders cheer, the football players yell and show off, the student participants play their little games, and the band and dancers do what they do. Why not have something different every time? That would honestly make sitting in a gym with hundreds of other sweaty kids more worthwhile.
“Are pep rallies actually interesting to kids?” From most of the people I’ve talked to and as a student myself, I’d say yeah, especially when the dancers and the mini games commence.
“Do pep rallies take away from needed school time?” In my opinion, no. We have short days every Monday, a short day occasionally, won’t cripple the learning of students. If anything, I think it provides as a break for students to relax, which allows us to work better,
“Are pep rallies in general well organized?” Yes, and no. They have a structure, but the structure itself isn’t too great; it can be improved on by providing more time for those to get seated and such.
If those things were fixed, I feel like more people would enjoy pep rallies like I do. Personally, despite the repetitive routine and the disorganization, the entertainment itself usually makes up for it. It does what it’s here to do- get us pumped up for whatever event is to come.